Gojo Slap peeker Sticker
Guarantee Safe Checkout
Shipping & Delivery
All orders are processed within 12-24 hours Estimated delivery time :
For metros: 1-4 days.
For the rest of India: 5-8 days.
(Please note: All the COD orders may take up to 24-48 hours to be processed.)
Return & Exhanges
- Customers can only exchange their order within 7 days after an order has been delivered. Returns are only possible if there are some manufacturing defects in the delivered product. Return requests are to be raised within 3 days from the time of delivery in case of manufacturing defects. (Sale items are non-returnable)
- We do not accept returns on certain categories including but not limited to stationary items like stickers, posters, collage kits, framed posters, shorts, and keychains.
- In case of return the customer will only be reimbursed the amount paid for the products. COD and delivery charges will not be reimbursed after the goods return.
1. How can I track my order?
Once your order is shipped, you will receive tracking details via WhatsApp, email, and SMS. These notifications will include a tracking number and a link to the courier service's tracking portal. You can use this information to monitor the status and location of your package in real-time.
2. Can I modify or cancel my order after placing it?
You can modify or cancel your order as long as it has not been shipped. To request a modification or cancellation, please contact our customer service team via WhatsApp or email as soon as possible. Once the order is shipped, modifications and cancellations are not possible.
3. What if my order arrives damaged?
If your order arrives damaged, we offer an exchange. To make the process smooth, please keep an unboxing video of your order as evidence. Contact our customer service team immediately with the video, and we will arrange for a replacement at no additional cost.
4. How can I contact customer support?
You can reach our customer support team via WhatsApp and email from 10:30 AM to 6 PM IST, Monday to Saturday. We are here to assist you with any inquiries or issues you may have.
5. Is cash on delivery available (COD)?
Yes, Cash on Delivery (COD) is available but not for certain areas and for orders above the value of ₹5000. COD orders also attract an extra charge of ₹80. You can select the COD option at checkout if it is available for your location and order value.
6. What are the shipping charges?
Shipping is free for orders above ₹999. For orders below ₹999, a shipping charge of ₹60 per order applies.